Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama and McCain Spar Over Iraq...

Tension is building between the two senators over the highly controversial subject of Al-Qaeda and the war in Iraq. McCain’s stance in the debate is that Senator Obama does not know of the “presence of Al-Qaeda” in Iraq, and Senator Obama’s response, “There was no such thing as Al Qaeda in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq.”

Although McCain is a seasoned veteran and has experience in militaristic tactics, I strongly agree with Obama’s position on the matter. After the tragic 9/11 incident, the party responsible was Al-Qaeda, who were originally of Afghanistan. President Bush and Senator McCain’s focus on Al-Qaeda had been shifted to Iraq, leaving Al-Qaeda to be, “stronger now than any time since 2001.”

I respect John McCain for his services done for this country, but politically not so much. Our nation is not in need of a “reality check,” but we must assess what is best for our nation and the world at large. We are well aware of the issues in our society today and McCain’s diligent approach to not be defeated is actually deteriorating our nation as we speak. Billions of taxpayers’ dollars are going to fund the war when really; the money should be used here stateside for the well being of this great nation. Why spend time and money building other countries, when this nation has problems of its own?

Obama and McCain Spar Over Iraq...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with this quote by Nelson Lee: "Why spend time and money building other countries, when this nation has problems of it's own." We shouldn't be in Iraq in the first place, 9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq. Also, the US government is afraid of losing control of oil. They think they have the right to destroy a country for oil. This is imperialism! This isn't setting a good example to the rest of the world. This makes us look bad. I think that the money should be used for stabilizing the economy, for schools, and for the people that are less fortunate.