Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Texas primary could be a big deal after all

With much anticipation upon “Super Tuesday,” the Texas primary could play a vital role in the decision of candidate’s claim for a party nomination. The polls show a close race between Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in today’s slew of primaries and caucuses being held in several states. Although many other candidates have dropped out of the race, their voices are still being heard. Republican Gov. Rick Perry switched his support to John McCain shortly after New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the race. At least 20 states will be involved in their primaries and caucuses today including delegate-rich states of New York and California.

Here in Texas, statistics show that Clinton would have the upper hand due to longtime ties involving the State of Texas with husband Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, Obama’s approach to Texas is turning to “new blood.” Volunteers have been arranging in urban and university areas to call out voters particularly Hispanic and college-age voters. As election time nears, it will be interesting to see what approaches both parties are going to decide on to win the voter’s decision.

Texas primary could be a big deal after all

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